Settle slow paying or delinquent accounts or collect returned checks with our assistance. CBLF helps businesses throughout the US resolve past due accounts to receive the money your company is owed. Reach out to us today to learn more about our collections services and how we can best assist you.

Effective Collections for All Types of Accounts
CBLF has experience collecting many types of past due accounts. Our client base includes the following industries: medical, utility, retail, banking, commercial, rental, government and agricultural.
Our staff is extensively trained in-house to provide a fair, firm and professional collection experience. We utilize the latest skip tracing technology to locate consumers, and we can report past due accounts to Equifax, TransUnion and Experian.
Our goal is to resolve your accounts without having to take legal action. However, we do utilize the services of a collection law firm and a private attorney when referral to a law firm or legal action is deemed to be necessary. Our rates are on a contingency basis so we only get paid when your account is collected.
No-Cost Solution to Collect on Your Returned Checks
Receive the money you are owed with our check recovery program. CBLF helps businesses recover returned checks with our convenient, no-cost solution.
If you receive a bad check, we will remit 100% of the face value once it is collected. Checks received for collection are reported to two national check verification databases that are updated daily. This helps prevent future losses for your company. Your bank or credit union will forward returned checks directly to us so you will not have to do any of the leg work. The check writer pays a state authorized service charge that allows CBLF to offer this service free to you.
Decrease the likelihood of returned checks with our national check verification service. CBLF offers this helpful service to companies to reduce the risk of receiving bad checks. With check verification, your business will receive an alert at the point of sale if there is an unpaid check owed by a check writer.
Web-Based or Dial-Up Versions
Our check verification service is available as a web-based or dial-up service. We recommend the web-based version because it is faster. However, the dial-up service is ideal for businesses that do not have internet access at the point of sale.
If necessary, we can tailor your check verification acceptance parameters to properly suit the needs of your business. Reach out to us by phone or email to learn more about national check verification and how it can benefit your business.
Fast, Convenient and Secure Remote Deposit
Want to deposit your checks without leaving your business?
Remote deposit allows you to scan or fax your checks and money orders and then transmit them to your bank or credit union for fast, convenient and secure deposit. CBLF can also receive your returned checks online, eliminating mail delivery and expediting the returned check process.